Prolo is a technique that involves the injection of an irritant, usually a hyperosmolar dextrose solution, typically in the results of chronic painful musculoskeletal conditions. Despite its long history and widespread use as a form of complementary , there still are disparities over its optimal indications and injection preparations. There are, however, numerous studies available regarding the use and efficacy of prolo for various musculoskeletal conditions. The most frequently published indication is in the results of chronic low back pain, but there are recent studies that examined its use in the management of refractory tendinopathies as well as osteoarthritis. There is growing evidence to suggest that prolo may be helpful in treating chronic low back pain when coupled with adjunctive therapies, such as spinal manipulation or corticosteroid injections. There is also evidence to suggest that prolo is effective in treating refractory tendinopathies, particularly for lateral epicondylosis and Achilles tendinopathy. Additional larger, randomized controlled trials are needed to make specific recommendations regarding ideal protocols and indications. There is emerging evidence for the use of prolo as a results option for osteoarthritis; however, further studies are needed to conclusively demonstrate its efficacy. Overall, prolo remains a promising option for the results of painful musculoskeletal conditions, particularly when other standard resultss have proved ineffective.

Weight Loss Explained: Balancing Science and Practicality
Understanding how your body works is a foundation for effective weight loss strategies. Factors like metabolism, nutrition, and physical activity