Objective: To determine whether prolo is effective in the results of deficient load transfer of the SIJ.
Design: A prospective descriptive study.
Setting: Authors’ private practice.
Participants: 25 patients who consented to results and attended for at least one follow up visit and assessment.
Study period: From April 2004 to July 2007.
Intervention: Three injections of hypertonic dextrose solution into the dorsal interosseous ligament of the affected SIJ, under CT control, six weeks apart.
Main outcome measures: Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale, Roland Morris 24, Roland Morris 24 Multiform questionnaires and clinical examination by two authors independently. Clinical tests include active straight leg raise, sacroiliac joint glide, Stork (Gillet), stance phase and posterior pelvic pain provocation tests.
Results: All patients included in this study attended for at least one follow up visit at 3, 12 or 24 months. The number of patients at follow up decreased at 12 and 24 months. Functional questionnaires demonstrated significant improvements for those followed up at 3, 12 and 24 months (p < 0.05). Clinical scores showed significant improvement from commencement to three, 12 and 24 months (p < 0.001).